The lawyers at Frankel Syverson PLLC are dedicated to protecting the dignity of your work. We have achieved significant results for workers nationwide, including substantial settlements and ground-breaking court rulings on behalf of workers pursuing unpaid wages, overtime, minimum wage, paid sick time, and damages for retaliation and other employment law claims. While we cannot guarantee a similar outcome, we are proud to share some approximate results from cases our lawyers have worked on below.
Unpaid Overtime/Off the Clock Work
Case resolved on behalf of class of call center representatives pursuing unpaid overtime resulting from off the clock work and failure to factor incentive pay into their overtime rates.
Case resolved on behalf of class of medical transport drivers pursuing unpaid overtime resulting from off the clock work.
Unpaid Overtime/Off the Clock Work
Case resolved on behalf of class of security officers pursuing unpaid overtime from work they had to perform off the clock associated with shift turnover procedures and exchange of information between shifts.
Case resolved on behalf of insurance agents pursuing claims for unpaid overtime.
Overtime/Minimum Wage/Misclassification
Case resolved on behalf of class of distributors pursuing unpaid overtime and minimum wage related to their work stocking grocery stores.
Minimum Wage/Misclassification
Case resolved on behalf of class of taxi drivers classified as independent contractors pursuing unpaid minimum wage.
Overtime/Off the Clock Work
Case resolved on behalf of operations technicians for oil company pursuing unpaid overtime resulting from time spent off the clock donning and doffing protective equipment.
Overtime/Paid Sick Time/Retaliation
Case resolved on behalf of medical assistant pursuing unpaid overtime, paid sick time, and claims involving retaliation.
Minimum Wage
Case resolved on behalf of pilots pursuing unpaid minimum wage resulting from failure to pay final paycheck.
Case resolved on behalf of loan officer pursuing unpaid overtime and retaliation claim against major loan provider.
Overtime/Minimum Wage
Case resolved on behalf of a cook and driver for a major hotel chain pursuing unpaid overtime and minimum wage.
Case resolved on behalf of account manager pursuing unpaid overtime.
Case resolved on behalf of paralegal pursuing unpaid overtime.
Case resolved on behalf of caregivers at assisted living facility pursuing claims for unpaid overtime.
Case resolved on behalf of behavioral health case manager pursuing claims for unpaid overtime.
Case resolved on behalf of furniture salesmen pursuing claim for unpaid overtime.
Case resolved on behalf of construction worker pursuing unpaid overtime under federal and Arizona law.
Case resolved on behalf of parts manager completing data entry pursuing unpaid overtime.
Case resolved on behalf of movers pursuing unpaid overtime.
Case resolved on behalf of street sweeper pursuing unpaid overtime.
Case resolved on behalf of cashier pursuing unpaid overtime.
Case resolved on behalf of call center employee pursuing unpaid overtime.
Minimum Wage/Tips
Case resolved on behalf of server, bartender, and restaurant host pursuing claim for unpaid minimum wage involving tipped work.